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Watch "the details", if you need detailed knowledge about a specific topic. These videos are only relevant for particular users. The Details This video includes functionality from the app "Master Data Information" which is available at Microsoft AppSource. Click to visit AppSource. Master Data Information

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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

Master Data Information basically relates to the same tables. This means, if you go into the Master Data Information, for instance, from a specific customer, you can see the parameters of the customer.

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Those two parameters are both specifications and attached to this customer. If I view the filter on this table, I can see the customer number, and the attached specification and that it’s a customer.

Now if I remove my Subtype, I can also see files and text related to that customer. If I remove my number, I can see Master Data on all customers. And if I remove the type, I can see all kinds of Master Data, also from vendors, items, lot numbers, serial numbers etc.

Now with this new client, I need to reset my filters, otherwise, this will be what I see next time I get in here. So, I have to remember to reset my filter and close it again. This is good to know if you want to export Master Data across this table. You can get a view of all your data in one view.
