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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

How to handle subcontractors in Business Central?

Subcontractor handling in Business Central is about making a vendor performing operations on my routings, instead of doing it myself, and it’s not about buying items, but buying a resource that is working for me.

This is what happens in the video

Let’s see how it works in Business Central.

I want to use my subcontractor on the routing.

We look into the routings.

I will define the setup in other videos.

Looking in a routing for my bike, this painting operation could be sent to a vendor to perform the operation.

I’m not buying an item.

I’m not putting anything on stock.

They just paint my bike – as part of my process and routing.

Therefore, I have set up Work Center 300 as a subcontractor.

I’ll show this in later videos.

Scroll right, and I can see the defined waiting time.

I know it’s 2 days.

It’s the delay.

The unit of measure code is ‘days’, and further to the right, I can define a specific unit cost for that specific operation.

So, it’s not only following my Work Center.

I can define that if this vendor is painting this specific bike on this routing – this is the price for the job.

This way, I can use subcontractors that are actually vendors performing work for me.
