
Step 2: Prepare yourself

Step 2: Prepare yourself
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An intermediate video requires some previous experience with Business Central, but it is still easily accessible to most people. Intermediate Watch the "basic" videos to take the tour of the main processes of Business Central. This is the basic, need-to-use functionality. The Basics

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Credits and copyright

This is a guide for getting-started with Business Central. It is a generic version of the Abakion Go method, which is a commercial product. But this version of the guide does not require any subscription. It’s free to use, if you are an end user. All content is provided by and copyright of Abakion and may not be reproduced in any form.

Steps of getting started

Before we begin working

In step 1 you received the login details for your new Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. If you have not requested anything else from your supplier, then you have a blank Business Central. There is no configuration, and it is not ready to use, and in step 3 we will begin configuring the solution.

There is a demo-company called Cronus in your Business Central. It’s intended for demonstration-purpose only, and it is not really usable for running your company. Please don’t just rename it and think you are good to go.

But before we dive into configuration, you must prepare yourself – especially if you have not previously worked with Business Central or the predecessor Dynamics NAV.

You should now watch videos on three topics:
1) Get an overview of the processes covered by the solution.
2) Learn about apps and customizations.
3) Learn the basic operation of the system.

1. Get an overview of the solution

Here, you can see five videos that will introduce you to the processes covered by Business Central:

2) Learn about apps and customizations

You may not require apps for your Business Central, but somewhere down the road, you will require something that Business Central doesn’t have. And in that case, we think it is really useful to know the basics about apps.

When you are using Business Central in the cloud (real SaaS), apps are the best way of extending the functionality of the solution.

Apps are packages of additional functionality for Business Central. Microsoft offer apps from their store, which is called Microsoft AppSource. You can find the app that fits your need – and install it directly into your Business Central.

It is still possible to hire an external consultant to do some custom development, but if you can find an app that matches your needs, it is really an easier way to get going, and it is also easier to maintain in the future.

Apps in Business Central are really a fundamental change in approach of customization. Your choice between apps and custom development is an IT-strategic decision, and you should treat it as such. Custom development makes it easier to meet inflexible and comprehensive demands, while apps makes it easier to deploy extended functionality quickly and upgrade to new versions.

We think you should see how simple it is to install an app in Business Central. In this video, we will walk you through it inside Business Central.

It’s a good idea to test an app, before you install it in your live environment. Microsoft has of course tested and certified all apps, and they guarantee that they work. Anyway, you should evaluate if the app does what you are looking for, which is why you should test it in your sandbox environment. In this video you will see how to do it.

You have no maintenance with apps. Updates are always a part of the deal. That is a requirement from Microsoft.

This video shows how Microsoft keeps track of the versions and what the suppliers are required to do to keep you up and running.

3) Learn the basic operation

If you already know Business Central, you may well breeze through this topic. If not, we recommend you watch lots of videos about the basics of using Business Central.

We start with a series of videos about the Business Central user interface. These videos are from the Business Central-collection here on, so the link will open a new tab in which you can watch the collection of videos. Afterwards, close the tab in your browser and come back here.

Learn about the User Interface here »

The next collection of videos is about navigating the solution:

Learn about Navigation here »

Do you have a question?

If you have a question about the content on this page, let me know. If I can clarify something or guide you in the right direction, I will be happy to help.

I can’t offer you free support on configuring your Business Central, so I may politely respond that your question is too complicated for a simple email-answer, but feel free to just try and send me your question, whatever is on your mind.
