
What is a Low Level Code (LLC)?

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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

How to use Low Level Code in Business Central?

An LLC Code (Low Level Code) is the code that is automatically calculated in Business Central and in most ERP systems, and it is used for planning.

This is what happens in the video

So, if this is my hierarchy of items. Some Purchase items I bought, and they go into Manufactured Items, Semi-finished Items, or Finished Goods, and some Finished Goods might be on higher levels than others, meaning that if you have for instance, a bike that you’re producing, and now you’re making a new item, which is a package containing 3 bikes, my bike that used to be a Top Level Item is now a Level 1 Item because the package that I’m creating is the Level 0 Items.

And what is important here, is to figure out all the items that don’t go into other items, meaning it’s not a component in any BOM, and you can see that in Business Central from the Menu tab, so you can see; does this item go into anything? If it doesn’t, it’s a Low Level 0 Item.

So, the point is that all the items that go into a Low Level 0 Item are basically LLC 1 Items, but an item could go – if we look in the Low Level 2 Coding – the left hand on those items is on Low Level 2, because it goes into both a Low Level 0 item and a Low Level 1 item.

Therefore, in the name LLC, we have to find the lowest possible level that it goes into – in this case, it’s 2 because it has on the right-hand side a Low Level Code 1 Item and this is the way we have to do the planning.

So, planning the item here in the middle needs to be done in Low Level Code 2, so we assure that we have done planning on both the two items that it goes into.

So, the MRP planning will run in LLC, meaning first running here in Low Level 0 so everything is planned here, then running LLC 1.

So, everything is planned there.

And be aware here, that some of the parts could be a purchase part or some other parts of production parts and from an understanding perspective, they could be quite different items.

So, you could also have a purchased item that doesn’t go into anything because you just buy it and sell it – that would be a LLC 0 item.

This is the base functionality of Low Level Coding.
