How to register time spent on production orders in Business Central?
In this video, I will show you how to post time usage on a production order.
This is what happens in the video
So, from the Menu, I will enter the released production order list to find the production order I am working on.
In this case it’s the last one.
And from the production order I will enter the Production Journal, which is under line function.
The Production Journal is used to post item, material consumption, and for time, and for output.
So, in this case, I will delete all my item lines.
I can select item 205.
And I can enter my setup time and run time for the production order line as well as my output quantity.
Now, I only make 20 items, so in this example I will output 20 pcs on each operation, each of those first three operations, except for the third, I will only output 19, because I’ve broken one in this example.
And I only made the first three operations, so I will just delete the last ones.
I enter my setup time that I’ve used for each operation, so this is done after doing the manufacturing and the operator will have to write down this time or enter it directly in Business Central, depending on how you like to do it.
I enter now my setup time, my run time, and my output quantity, and I’m done with the first three operations.
It’s important that I don’t enter output quantity on the last operation, if I’m only working with time, because the actual positive adjustment on the inventory is made by this number, meaning the output quantity on the last operation.
So, after entering the quantity, I will go to My Process and Post, and this will post my journal lines with the time in here.
When I get back to my production journal again, it will fill in all the remaining material again.
I can still enter more time on the last lines.