
Shortage Status calculated in two ways and the worst status stated on the Header

How to calculate Shortage Status on Sales Orders
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An intermediate video requires some previous experience with Business Central, but it is still easily accessible to most people. Intermediate Watch the "basic" videos to take the tour of the main processes of Business Central. This is the basic, need-to-use functionality. The Basics This video includes functionality from the app "Shortage on Demand Orders" which is available at Microsoft AppSource. Click to visit AppSource. Shortage on Demand Orders

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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

The shortage status on sales orders can be calculated in two ways, and the worst status is transferred to the sales order header.

This is what happens in the video

So first of all, you could run or calculate shortage order status report with different parameters on it. And this will recalculate for all sales orders and what it actually does is just running through these sales orders so if you took these sales orders one at a time, it will just take this sales order and run the calculate shortage status functionality like if you ran it from the sales order in here and this functionality basically calculates all the lines and then it transfers the worst status from the sales order line to the sales order header.

So the status field on the sales order header includes the same status as the lines and the lower you get on the list, the worst the status is.
