
How to understand the Assigned Quantity on a Transfer Order Line

Function & Features of Assign Quantity
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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

The Assign Quantity functionality applies to all demand orders.

So, not only sales orders, but for instance, also transfer orders.

In this example, I’ve made a new transfer order transferring from code basic, location code basic, item number 1000.

And when I enter quantity 30, if I’ve set up that it should automatically assign on transfer order, it will automatically assign the full quantity if possible and show the available quantity just like on sales order and also assigned using a soft assignment.

And like on the sales order, it’s also possible to reassign.

So, for instance, if I change the shipment date to somewhere back in March, for instance, on February, like this, it won’t automatically update my transfer line, but from the function, I could use the Assign Quantity and it reassigns with the new date, new quantity.

If I change the quantity.

So, it’s actually working exactly like this on the sales order, and you can set up that it should assign automatically or you should assign manually on the transfer order.

And of course, the assignment on the transfer order only relates to the outbound side on the transfer order, meaning the quantity to ship, which is a demand.

The quantity to receive is a supply and therefore the assigning functionality doesn’t make sense on the inbound side.
