If I wish to create a new item for my subscription, I can of course go to the item list like I’ve done here, I’ve made a filter, so it only sees the items of type service.
This is what happens in the video
And I can click new.
In this company, we use item templates, and we do have one for service items so I will choose that one.
Because I used a template, the system have generated a number based on the number series setup.
It’s already marked as a service item and it has a base unit of measure and posting groups.
And I just need to enter the description here, and the other two items I had were for a yearly membership of a club and a monthly.
So let’s say I would like to create a quarterly membership item.
And I copied the text from one of the other ones, and I will just say here that it’s quarterly.
Click somewhere else.
I do have an option to set up a default deferral template.
So if I have a template for quarterly sales deferrals, I can add it here, but I can also just do it in the subscription, but of course, if it needs to be deferred the same way always this item, I can add it here.
But in this case, we can say that I will set up a deferral template and I have one for sale deferral over three months.
And this will be inherited now when I add the item on my subscription.
And there we have it, we now have the quarterly item, and I can go to my subscription and add this item if I needed.
I didn’t add a price on this specific item, but of course you can do that so it inherits the standard unit price.
That’s just like you’re used to setting up prices on items.