
See invoices related to a specific subscription

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Presenter: Mette Thavlov Neukirch

You can of course always see which invoices have been generated on a specific customer if you go to the customer entries.

This is what happens in the video

If you go to the customer and see the sales invoices on that one, but we can also do it within the subscription order.

So here I have opened an order, and I can go up and say open invoices and credit memos.

So that means draft invoices that are still in draft mode, and haven’t been posted yet.

I can see any posted credit memos or posted invoices, which have been posted for this specific subscription.

I will go to the draft invoice and credit memo.

And you can see that there’s a one draft invoice created here.

And I can open that one, just to check if everything’s okay, and I can post it from here.

And, of course, this invoice will be available in the whole sales invoice list, which is all draft invoices.

But by going into the subscription, I get a filter on invoices that are only related to this specific subscription.
