
How to Invoice Rental Item Lines with a batch job

Overview of Rental Management
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A beginner video is for people with little or no experience with Business Central. It is explained thoroughly and is easy to understand. Beginner Watch the "basic" videos to take the tour of the main processes of Business Central. This is the basic, need-to-use functionality. The Basics This video includes functionality from the app "Rental Management" which is available at Microsoft AppSource. Click to visit AppSource. Rental Management

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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

Rented out items can be invoiced through a batch job.

This is what happens in the video

Let’s see how that works here from a sales order, I have my sales order with the shipment date, the quantity to ship is 15, the quantity to invoice is 15 on this one.

And if I look into my rental relation line in here, I can see that I have actually shipped the item to the customer.

So if I scroll right, the item shipped, or quantity shipped is one.

I’m renting out one item one Segway, the quantity received is zero and the starting time is September 19.

This means the customer has the item already, and the quantity to ship and quantity to invoice is of course the quantity of days that I’m renting out this item.

This means if I have rented out two items, the quantity would be doubled up for the same period.

So the quantity to invoice and ship is from the expected shipment date here till the expected rental return date which is October 3.

Let’s see how it works when I invoice it.

Maybe I want to invoice this one per month, meaning that I want to send an invoice every month and that I expect my customers to keep the item until they’re done using it.

So maybe I want to invoice this only till September 13.

I can choose to only update my sales line with the correct quantities on what to do here, or the dates.

I could update my sales line and then post the shipment and I can update the sales line and post the shipment and invoice if I want to do all in one go.

If I wanted to post the shipment, I could do the standard batch job to invoice it afterwards.

And of course, I need to select the correct sales order number, I could have chosen the other rental period which was on this page, it would have taken the order number, but I took the general rental period posting.

So therefore, I need to update the number here.

So when I click OK now, I would expect it to post the rental until the end of September.

Meaning if I scroll right now, I can see that my quantity to ship and invoice is now 3, which is the 3 days in October and the quantity shipped is 12 days in September.

And I can see here the shipment date is still on the 19th of September and the ending date is still on October 3.

And if I look for the posted invoice, and of course there’s both a posted invoice and a posted sales shipment down here.

And I find my last posted invoice, I would expect this one to relate to the quantity 12 that I just posted.

So with this way, it’s possible to invoice the rental item.
