With the rental period posting batch job, it’s possible to invoice the rent out item per period.
This is what happens in the video
So for example here, if I have a sales line, and the period is from fifth or to fifth of October and it’s coming from 20th of September, it will expect that I should rent it out for, in this scenario, 16 days, but maybe it’s crossing a deadline and I like to rent per period.
So right now I can see quantity to ship and invoice is 16 which is 16 days and it’s two pieces.
And for this one, when I’m going to invoice it, I could search here for rental period like this.
And I might want to post until only September 30, for instance, like this.
And I actually want to post and ship and do everything on this specific sales order line, update the postings, create an invoice, etc, etc.
It’s actually creating a sales invoice based on those parameters in here.
And now when I scroll right, I can see my quantity shipped and invoiced is 11 which means the days left in September and the quantity to ship and invoice is now the remaining part of October, and I can invoice that for next month.
I can also if I still have my transfer order open later on in October, it will automatically postpone those days so the rental period will be prolonged.