Before you start using the sales container handling app, you might want to do some extra setup, this is not necessary if you don’t want to use freights and fees, etc, but if you want to use it, here’s some setup to do in the sales container setup.
You can checkmark if you want to use special freight meaning that you can set up on customers that you will add charges to the invoices. So if you want to charge the customer for freight and for fees, you can add it in here and you just select a GL account on which to post your charges for freight and your charges for fees and the lines on the sales order, the text on the sales order will be the chart of account text that is simply displayed on the sales order.
The freight account is calculated from a percentage where the fee is calculated or added as a fixed number.
Then you can select how to choose if a sales order is supposed to have special freight because you might have the same customer with different locations and you want the fees to depend on which location you send to and it’s possible to determine with the order origin.
So we can set up if you want to use it per order origin, enter it on the sales order or from the customer card.
Of course, you set up a number series and if you just followed the visit, we have set it up for you and then you can define order origins and special freight and fee set up, we will show this in another video.