If you want to charge the customer for the special freight either from the freight or fees, you will have to checkmark the setup here and you’ll have to checkmark on all the customers that you would like this to apply to, and then in the special freight and fees setup from the sales container set up, you can define different types in here for freight and for fees. So for instance here, I’ve made two blank lines with no item category, no item number and no country code.
So for instance, you can define for freight, you can attach freight to an item category code if you use item categories, and you can also attach it to a specific country code like this and you could, of course, use this for other item codes are other country codes and when it calculates for the freight, it will calculate the most specific one first, so it will find if you, for instance, are shipping to a country in this Angola for instance.
And there’s no item category. It will take this one. Whereas if you even made a more specific one saying I have an item category here and the same country code, it will take that of course, etc. So it will take the most specific one first.
If you are using a fee in here in the setup, you can also attach a specific item number so you can say when you sell this item, it has a fixed fee amount of whatever, and if I’m selling another item like this, meaning from another sales order line in here. There will be another fixed amount. So this way, it’s possible per item to add a fee and thereby, it will find only one freight line when it calculates, add all the sales lines, and add the percentage that you have added here in the freight percentage charts, those from the sales line and the fees will be calculated per item.
So each item can have one extra fee that you want to add and it sum up all those fees.