
Send Customer Statement

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An intermediate video requires some previous experience with Business Central, but it is still easily accessible to most people. Intermediate Videos with the tag "Commonly Used" describes the functionality that is used by most companies. Commonly Used This video includes functionality from the app "Document Handling" which is available at Microsoft AppSource. Click to visit AppSource. Document Handling

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Presenter: Christina Fausbøll, Product Manager

From the customer card, we can send statements with document handling.

We go to report and send statement with mail.

We define the start and end date just like when we would like to print a statement.

And press OK.

And now the email has been created and the statement has been attached to the mail.

And when we have sent a statement, we can see it here in the fact box on the customer card.

Please note that it’s only statements that are possible to see here on the customer.

Not the invoices, or orders that we have sent to the customer.

Those we need to find other places.
