
Advanced fields on email templates

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An advanced video is for the experts, and it requires detailed knowledge about the specific area of Business Central. Advanced A "configuration"-video is about how you configure your solution and get it ready for use. Typically, these videos are quite advanced. Configurations This video includes functionality from the app "Document Handling" which is available at Microsoft AppSource. Click to visit AppSource. Document Handling This video includes functionality from the app "Purchase Order Management" which is available at Microsoft AppSource. Click to visit AppSource. Purchase Order Management

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Presenter: Christina Fausbøll, Product Manager

In addition to the many extra templates for the email bodies, there’s also added more fields to the actual template.

To open the template card for each of these documents, we do a lookup, select from full list and open the card.

A few fields has been added.

The text template contains the mail type.

And besides the subject started, and the end text, we now have a section for lines.

In here, we can define the fields that were replying to add automatically to the email template.

And we can also set the fixed text that we would like to go in front of the dynamic fields.
