
What does the Action messages in the Planning Journal mean?

Planning & Requisition Worksheets
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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

How to work with action messages in the planning worksheet in Business Central?

When you run the planning batch job in the planning worksheet, you will get a lot of lines. Each of them will have an action message and you have to be aware of those, of course, and the action messages for each line could be new. If it’s a suggestion for a new order you should make change quantity.

This is what happens in the video

Meaning there’s already an existing order, purchase order, production order, transfer order, and it would suggest you to change the quantity, reschedule.

It’s a suggestion to change the date on the order and of reschedule and change quantity. It’s a change of both quantity and dates on the order, and cancel is a suggestion to cancel the order line, so to cancel the order.

So these are the action messages and you have to be aware of them when planning to make sure what it’s actually suggesting you to do.
