How to use the planning worksheet to break down demands from sales orders through a manufacturing hierarchy to purchase orders in Business Central?
In this video I will show you very shortly how you can use the planning worksheet to break down demands from sales orders through a manufacturing hierarchy to purchase orders.
This is what happens in the video
Just a very short overview. First of all, I want to show you the item hierarchy that I made and I have a filter on the description. So you can see I have made an Alu Rim which is a purchased item on the lowest level it goes into my Alu Front Wheel and Alu Back Wheel which are new items and those go into a bill of material in my City Bike Alu Rim.
And I’ve placed sales orders on the top level item. Now I want to calculate the demand for my lower level purchased items.
Doing that I go into the planning worksheet. The planning worksheet is the worksheet if you use manufacturing.
If you only want to plan on purchase item should you use the requisition worksheet but it wouldn’t breakdown hierarchies.
From the planning worksheet, I can calculate a total plan and I need to enter a starting date, ending date, maybe forecast if I want to calculate including forecast and in this case I want to add location filter so with these settings I will calculate the complete plan for all my items on location simple one which this call for of course takes a while.
This functionality of MPS and MRP planning is very complex so this is just a very short overview. Here I can see all my planned item, those are planned in low level order meaning the top items first and even though it looks like they are in order of item number I can scroll down and see that I have other items further on with smaller numbers because they are purchased item.
So here we come to for instance my Rim, etcetera. I can filter on description to see my items that include the Alu just to show you a small extract of this planning list and here I have one planning line, I’ll just delete this filter, I’ll remove it.
Planning line on this purchase item I can see here the item number, I can see it’s a purchased item, the quantity suggests that I buy with the setup I have made, etcetera and from here I can select a set of checkmark in the accept action messages and then I can carry out action messages, carry out action messages and I have to define what to do with my different kind of orders.
In this case, I want to make purchase orders which is the setting here. I’m gonna carry out now, it will remove the line from my planning worksheet and actually create the purchase order so if I go to my purchase orders now, purchasing, purchase orders, the last created order.
I could filter here in descending order and my last order here is The Alu Expert, the order I just created on 280 pieces and it’s ready to send to the vendor.