Why is is it important to work with detailed planning inside Business Central?
Well, detailed planning is normally going from today and 2 weeks ahead depending on your company and the way you work with your planning schedules and how far along you’re fixing your plan.
This is what happens in the video
But normally you would like to have a Gantt Chart with an overview, or do shortages on your production order figuring out when can we actually release the each production order and we want to ensure that the item that we need is available, that the capacity is available, but we also would like to optimize the usage of capacity and labor.
So all this more personal stuff needs to be very detailed planned. You can use the MRP planning to do that or you can have Gantt Charts with nice overviews and there was also some apps in the market where you can do bottleneck planning or other kinds of capacity planning to optimize your capacity and labor use, and to make sure that all your requirement, your item requires actually there.
Normally you could also do detailed planning for items with very shortly time, meaning day to day lead time.
That’s also part of the detail planners job.