
How to get Posted Purchase Receipts into a Purchase Invoice

Invoicing Purchase Orders
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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

How to import a posted purchase receipt into a purchase invoice in Business Central?

If you have posted Received on Purchase Order Lines, and you want to create a Purchase Invoice to join them and import the received lines, I will show you here how to do it.

This is what happens in the video

First, let’s look at the Purchase Order.

I have a Purchase Order from vendor 10000, and on the line, I have a quantity of 120, and I have a quantity to invoice, but my quantity received is all filled in.

I know I have another Purchase Order with the same scenario.

Now, I’ll create a new Purchase Invoice, independant from my Purchase Order.

From the Purchase Order, there will be an existing posted purchase receipt.

I create a new Purchase Invoice from the same vendor.

From the line I can select: Line, Function, Get Receipt Lines.

And that will display all the outstanding receipt lines that are not yet invoiced.

I will take both of them, because it’s from two different posted documents.

Be aware, this is the posted document number and not the open purchase order number.

I will import the lines on my purchase invoice.

maybe I need to correct the amounts when I receive the invoice from the vendor.

More for one of them and less for the other one.

I must fill in the vendor invoice number, and then post my invoice.

And it posts the invoice and creates a posted purchase invoice.

Now when I look at my purchase order, I can see that the Quantity Received is 120 and the Quantity Invoiced is now 120.

I actually have a batch job that can delete these purchase orders where everything is handled.

I can also just delete it here, because when my received quantity and invoiced quantity is the same, it’s possible to delete a purchase order.

and likewise, I could find the other purchase order to delete, or I can use the batch job to delete all of them.
