
Sending Request to Vendors

Creating Purchase Requisitions
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A beginner video is for people with little or no experience with Business Central. It is explained thoroughly and is easy to understand. Beginner Videos with the tag "Commonly Used" describes the functionality that is used by most companies. Commonly Used

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Presenter: Christina Fausbøll, Product Manager

How to send requests to vendors in Business Central?

Sending requests such as purchase quotes to a vendor can be done by clicking the print/send button and click send.

This is what happens in the video

The system will then use the document sending profile setup on the vendor.

I can edit the choices by changing this.

For instance, if I want to edit the email before sending it, I do this in email.

Yes, in prompt for settings, and click ok.

Now, I can see the email address that this email will be sent to, the subject, and the attachment, and I can write a message here for my vendor.

Please make sure that you have set up the SMTP before you’re able to send email from this system.
