
Batch accept requests in Vendor Portal

Vendor Portal with Purchase Order Management
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Presenter: Jesper Nielsen, Head of Onboarding

In the vendor portal, the way that the vendor would accept the request that we sent to them, would be by entering in confirm quantity, confirm receipt date, or confirmed direct unit cost.

Actually, they need to enter exactly the same numbers to accept the whole line. The reason why we would ask them to do that is, once they have entered a value in one of these fields, they actually confirmed what we asked them for. So if the vendor, for example, hasn’t filled out the confirmed receipt date, they might come back later and say, but we didn’t confirm the receipt date, so we have some slack there. Of course, if your vendor just wants to accept all of the lines at once with all the pre-filled requests, they can do it rather easy, just by pressing request to confirm. That would be within a filter. So we could put a filter on an order, and move request to confirmed. So now we have created a batch confirmation.
