In the Purchase Order Management, you are able to set a transport method on your vendor.
Go to the receiving bar and select transport method. This vendor has no transport method, so I will add some. I will add the transport time from the vendor to my location. Transport time on an airplane would be 2 days and an inbound warehouse handling time of 1 day. As by sea, it will be 3 months and 3 days, because normally when it comes by sea, it comes in a container and it takes longer time for me to handle. Be aware that if you have locations, you need to have a blank location code in your transport method and you can also add transport methods to your locations. Now you just have to select which transport method is commonly used from your vendor.
In this case, it’s by sea. What you need to do now is to look into the lead time calculation, which is a standard field, but normally the lead time calculation is the calculated time from you give your order to your vendor until it gets on your ramp. Now we use the lead time calculation instead of an internal handling time at the vendors. So I will say this should be 7 days and on the agreement date, I will choose expected shipment date. This means in my calculation, it will calculate the lead time, the handling time at the vendor, 7 days plus the time on sea. So in my calculation, when can I expect the shipment to be on my ramp ready to use?