If you want to change some of the data that already are accepted by your vendor, it could be the quantity on a line that your vendor has accepted, and you want to change it, you do that directly from your purchase order. And that’s because it has left the Handling Journal, because the Handling Journal is only for outstanding requests.
So for example, if I take my top line, I have a quantity of 4. I simply type, for example, 6. I have a handling type called request for change. And I will send that to my vendor. So now I have a requested quantity of 6. The original quantity on my purchase order is still 4. And if I go to my Handling Journal, I have a new line, where I can see I have a new requested quantity of 6 pieces. The reason it’s only the new requested quantity that are filled out is because I do not have any changes to the other lines. So they are the same in my purchase order.