
Group Orders

Handling Journal with Purchase Order Management
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Presenter: Jesper Nielsen, Head of Onboarding

In the Purchase Management Journal, it is possible to group orders or quotes if you have done the document grouping field visible.

For example, I have my two top orders, 26, 27, I want to group. That could be because I have a project, project 1. And automatically, the rest of the lines on the actual purchase order are marked. And I go to project 1 as well here.

So now I have grouped two orders, and I can use this for filtering if I want to do a batch handling or whatever, or just to keep track of what I’m doing. This could be done on, this could be different orders or requests for the same vendor, or it could be used, for example, if you have 10 different quotes to 10 different vendors and you want to group them to make sure that these are the same quotes.

In this case, I will just filter on the value. And once filtered, I will do a batch confirmation from my vendor told me, and I can handle the lines. And it’s as simple as that.
