
How to open another Company, Change the Work Date or User Language

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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

How to open companies, set work dates and change user languages in Business Central?

In Dynamics 365 Business Central, you can set a specific work date, if you want to post or work on a specific work date, which is not today.

This is what happens in the video

You can also change the language of the menus, that you see in the system.

So, from the setup tab in the right hand corner, I go to the settings.

This is also where I can open other companies, if I want to default work in other companies, I can select it here, and I can change the language code that I want to work in – and the work date.

So, this is how I change all my settings.

When I press OK and log out and in, the new settings will be my settings.
