
Actions in Global Master Setup

Global Master Setup
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A "configuration"-video is about how you configure your solution and get it ready for use. Typically, these videos are quite advanced. Configurations This video includes functionality from the app "Global Master Data Sync" which is available at Microsoft AppSource. Click to visit AppSource. Global Master Data Sync

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Presenter: Dennis Schumacher, Sr. Business Central Cons.

In the global master setup, we have different kinds of actions that you could use.

The first action is create job queues entries which will then create job queues entries according to the company type.

So if you’re a subscriber, it will create job queues entries which are relevant for a subscriber.

And if you’re a master, it will do for the master and so on.

The job queues will be created to be set on hold and you could then activate it afterwards.

Show blob storage files means that you can see the list of files that are in your Azure Blob Storage.

Actions, we have the test blob storage connection, where you can upload a test file to the blob storage to be able to see if your connection is ready to be used.

And you can afterwards try to download a test file and the last one you will then delete the test file in the blob storage.
