
Actions relevant for both subscriber and master

Introduction to the Global Master Administrator Role Center
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Watch the "basic" videos to take the tour of the main processes of Business Central. This is the basic, need-to-use functionality. The Basics This video includes functionality from the app "Global Master Data Sync" which is available at Microsoft AppSource. Click to visit AppSource. Global Master Data Sync

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Presenter: Dennis Schumacher, Sr. Business Central Cons.

In Global Master Data Sync, we have a role center called global master administrator.

And in this video, we will go through the action on the role center which are relevant if you are a company, which are both a master company and a subscriber company.

First of all, in the top, you have the action for the job queues.

Where you go and see the status and so on for the job queues, which you have created for the Global Master Data Sync.

In data templates, you will be able to see both the template that you as a master have created and are ready to be synchronized for your subscriber.

But you will also be able to see the data templates that you have received from your master company.

Partners, you will see all the partners that you are going to do the synchronize for.

In log entries you will see the log entries for the record data that you have received from your master company if there are any errors, and so on doing the synchronization.

The subscribe IC file logs, you will see a log with both the IC files that you have received from a master company but also the file logs that you have sent to your subscriber.

In actions, you’ll be able to see all global master record data, which you both will have the record data that you have received from a master company, both will be record data that you have created your own because you have created those templates.

Global master record actions, you both see the record actions that you recieve from a master company, but also see the record actions that you’re going to transfer for a subscriber the day should be executing.

We have on the task, we both have the master section where I can create and send file logs, and you will also be able to release pending data templates.

The subscriber will be able to import IC file logs if you’re using Azure blob storage.

After downloading or just after you have received the data from your master company, you will then be able to update and synchronize record data.

On the setup, you’ll have the global master setup where you have all the settings for the global masters.

In global master template package, you are able to download standard package but also able to import and export package if you want to move into a different environment.
