When you work with selections in flexible forecast, it’s possible to add several selections.
This is what happens in the video
So once we’ve made a selection that we call Summer 2022, which is a simple selection with item numbers and I made another selection called Christmas 22. So I could just try to show those two.
If I run this one summer 22, we have like 10 items and if I use– this is select an item, specific selected items and if I use the Christmas 22, we do have other items in here, but then I could also make an selection that we call all. So when I create a new one, I just select the type to be all, give it whatever name and then I can go into the action called all element, which is only visible when the type is all meaning if you click another line in here, the action disappeared.
So you need to have an all-action and in here you can just bundle the different information or the different selection you would like to add. So you can make make a lot of small sub selections instead and then add them together like this. So with this functionality, we see the sum of items made up of two selections in here and it could be of course more than two. You could add as many as you like.