
Understanding the basic fields on the Flexible Forecast Lines

How to work with Forecasts
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An intermediate video requires some previous experience with Business Central, but it is still easily accessible to most people. Intermediate Watch the "basic" videos to take the tour of the main processes of Business Central. This is the basic, need-to-use functionality. The Basics This video includes functionality from the app "Flexible Forecast" which is available at Microsoft AppSource. Click to visit AppSource. Flexible Forecast

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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

Let’s take a quick run through the basic field on the forecast line and to do that, I will just select month in here to update my forecast.

This is what happens in the video

So now I’m viewing lines per month, even though there is no forecast in the specific month and in the start inventory column, I could see the inventory in the beginning of that specific period.

That inventory includes history, meaning it takes into account what the actual inventory was on the first date.

And then you can see the development of the inventory or through this column. So takes into account all the column you can see on the right-hand side and all the hidden columns as well as the transfer quantity, production quantity, assembly quantity, etc.

So the inventory calculates all your inventory movements and display the inventory value. So if if today is somewhere in January, sorry in May, this will all be history to begin with and then the end will be the future expectation based on open sales orders and forecast.

Then you can see the purchase quantity if you have purchased this item, this is another purchase item so I would expect in the hidden columns of production quantities to see a lot in here, but if you have purchase quantity, you can see it here and you can drill down on that forecast quantity.

Of course, the sales quantity is the quantity on open sales orders, and if you drill down this field, you can see the list of sales order lines in that period, likewise on the purchase quantities. We can see here project code 11 11 and 12.

But if I was filtering here on a project filter and updated my forecast, it will look of course only at this project filter so it will only display some of the sales lines in here. So it inherits the filter in the top.

I’ll just refresh it again.

The planning quantity is the quantity coming from planning lines, if you use requisition worksheet or planning worksheet and the end inventory is, of course, the calculated ending inventory which equals the stqrt inventory in the next period.

Quantity purchase and quantity sold is the historical quantity on the posted documents and you also have historical columns for manufacturing and assembly, etc.

Those are in columns that you could show or display in here if you want to see that as well.
