
With the Reverse Planning App, the Planner can enter Supply Orders directly in the Forecast view

Features for the Planners, Sales and Purchasers
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An intermediate video requires some previous experience with Business Central, but it is still easily accessible to most people. Intermediate The "Whys" focus on how your business needs can be supported with the erp-solution. The topic is visualized - not demonstrated. The Whys This video includes functionality from the app "Flexible Forecast" which is available at Microsoft AppSource. Click to visit AppSource. Flexible Forecast

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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

The flexible forecast works in combination with another app that is called reverse planning in a way that it’s possible to add supply orders directly in the forecast view.

This is what happens in the video

This means if you enter the forecast per items in period and you have whatever selection so you see the item lines, now, if you have installed the reverse planning app and make the flexible forecast depending on that, you will have some more functions up here to suggest quantity to order, create supply order or open quick journals, etc.

If you know the reverse planning app, you will recognize those functions up here. And basically what it does, it makes it possible to enter the quantity to order base so you can see the items in here and you can enter quantity to order directly here or you could actually look up and look at the reordering quantities, etc. This is a functionality from the reverse planning where you can see the replenishment parameters for all the items.

And you can select by this or you can enter the quantity manually or you can even add the suggest quantity to order which is explained in the reverse planning app. Now when you’re done entering in this view, you could just select create supply orders and it will transfer those quantities on the items into the quick journal which is a copy of the planning worksheet.

So now when you carry out actions, it could create firm planned orders, assembly orders, etc, depending on the items, planning parameters set up on items and stock keeping unit cards. So this is very quick way to use the overview in the flexible forecast to create supply order directly.
