
Improve the overview of the Demand Forecast in Business Central

Make standard Demand Forecast easier to work with
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An intermediate video requires some previous experience with Business Central, but it is still easily accessible to most people. Intermediate The "Whys" focus on how your business needs can be supported with the erp-solution. The topic is visualized - not demonstrated. The Whys This video includes functionality from the app "Flexible Forecast" which is available at Microsoft AppSource. Click to visit AppSource. Flexible Forecast

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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

With flexible forecast you get a much better overview of your forecast and related data than you do with the standard functionality in Business Central.

This is what happens in the video

So if we look at the standard functionality first in Business Central, the demand forecast, and in the demand forecast, you need to enter all your specific information. each time you go in here.

Sorry. I wanted to say month. In here what you see is your item numbers and all forecast and nothing else and this is the overview that you can get from the forecast. So it’s difficult to see the remaining forecast if you run the MRP, etc.

When you use the flexible forecast functionality, first of all, you could see the forecast per period in one item. You could see the forecast per dimension in one item but folded out per each dimension or you could see forecast in one period for many items. So it provides different views.

All two dimensional views which makes sense for the user. So the first one here the forecast per item, it’s per period per item. It’s one item many periods as many as you have defined, and you can see both the start inventory before the date, the forecast quantity, all the supplies and demands. There’s lots of columns here for transfers of quantities and production quantity, assembly quantity and all the historical quantity and you can see how your end inventory develop. So it provide a much better overview of the mixture of forecast quantity and all your documents, your order quantities, supplies and demands. So this way, it’s much more agile to work with and you can view, as I said, like this per item or you could have viewed it for many items in one period which is another nice view. You can define, for instance, one month if you’re looking at a month or a quarter or whatever and you can see from many items start inventory like again quantities, etc.

So there’s lots of information in this view.
