
Creating a sales order in the Supply company from a released purchase order in the Sales company

Features for the Purchaser
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Presenter: Cecilie Merwald Bertelsen

Okay, so I have created a purchase order for my supply vendor, my intercompany partner, and I would like to release the purchase order now, to get a sales order created in my Supply Company.

This is what happens in the video

I have my purchase order here with my purchase lines, where I have chosen the locations in my Supply Company where I would like to get this sent from.

So what I’ll do now is that I will release the order. And when the order is released, I can now see that it has created a sales order in my supply company, and I get the sales order number right here on my purchase order.

So let’s go to the supply company, and see the created sales order there. Just jump over here to the supply company. And now I have a new recreated sales order here for my sales company, with same line and the same location codes. So that’s it.
