So, when do you need to have some sort of intercompany solution in your company? That would be when you have several companies that need to have some transactions between them.
This is what happens in the video
That could be for the example here, that you have a sales company and you have a Supply Company.
Your supplier company could be where you have your inventory, and your manufacturing, and your sales company will handle all of your sales to your customer.
So what you’ll need to do when handling an order from a customer. Then you’ll need to create a sales order for your customer.
And when you’ve done that, then you’ll be creating a purchase order for your supply company, where they need to create a sales order for your sales company.
When your supplier delivers the items to your customer, then they need to post-shipment on their sales order, and then in your sales company, you’ll need to post received on your purchase order, and you need to post the shipment on your sales order to your customer.
And then you’ll need to invoice between your companies, and you’ll need to invoice your customer.
So these are all the transactions you have when working through several companies.