
Default Language in each company for merging Description

Language and Extended text on Master Data
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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

One of the reasons for setting up languages on Master Data could be to merge them into the long description or type description, meaning on items, customers, et cetera, or it could be to use it on documents.

This is what happens in the video

In this scenario, I’ll just show you to use it in the long descriptions. So, for instance here on my item, I can see it has a long description saying material, wheel diameter, male. And if we go into my item in here, I can also see it has here a Nexus 7, male description in description 2 and I’d like to change that to a specific language.

And I know that Master Data languages has been setup, so just go into my standard Master Data Information setup and change the language code to, for instance, Danish like this. And after that, it’s possible for me to merge new descriptions. This could be done if I’m pushing data into other companies. It’s possible for me to maintain different languages in one company and then just in the other company, automatically do some merges.

I’ll just update my long descriptions here.

Of course, it is possible to work with Master Data from one area. So, as I see here, Herre instead which is the Danish word and the long description would say Herre instead of male and it says Materiale which is the Danish word for material, and it says Hjuldiameter instead of wheel diameter.

So, this way I could have different sales companies work with merged description automatically individually per company.
