You might set up a location to require put away and pick but not the warehouse received in warehouse shipment document.
Let’s just take a look at the location card in here.
So for instance, I have my distribute location which is set up with require put away and require pick and I also set it up to have bin mandatories.
And the functionality of that will be that you put away on– one put away per purchase order or per receiving document, supplying document or inbound document and one pick by outbound documents.
So we cannot combine several outbound documents in one pick, you have to use the received and the shipment functionality to do that. But if it’s just a simple one to one, you could receive directly on a put away document and pick directly on a pick document.
So with this functionality, when you select the locationwith that set up on your user, if you use the warehoue mobile, you can see that the tiles here reflects that functionality.
And it also means that we have set up here inventory put away purchase, inventory put away transfer, inventory put away production, and just inventory put away.
And the idea of that will be you can work faster by knowing you’re doing an inventory put away for purchase order.
If you don’t know which one of those, you could just select the standard inventory put away and likewise on the picking side.
So where shipment document normally would combine those functionality, we have chosen to make the mobile flow on a location setup like this with more agile functionality.