All the different flows you’re seeing in the warehouse mobile is actually done by configuration and not by customization.
So we don’t do a lot of coding, we did a lot of coding, but there’s a big mobile flow engine beneath it.
And then all the different flows in here is just a setup thing. It’s very complex to understand, of course, but the whole idea is, if you want to have modifications done, you can contact us or consultant that understand on this level, the modification or the flows.
And you can actually do the setup yourself, we have locked, a lot of the flows are locked, meaning determined you cannot change it, but you can copy it, if you want to do changes.
This is just to show you, for instance, the defined item flow if you look at the setup for that flow in here, there’ll be some main line, what are we asking about, and what is happening on this line.
And as you can see here, it’s all a matter of complex setup.
So when you click a line here, you have some related mobile flow setups or purchase in here.
And depending on the flow, of course, it’s more or less complex.
So if you take, let me see, a purchase order, received directly on a purchase order flow in here, it’s a rather complex thing. We have many lines in here.
And for each of the lines, you can see we have sub flows.
So this is online just for grabbing a purchase header, and taking all the lines looping all the lines, entering item number and registering quantity to ship, etc.
So this is of course complex stuff to set up, but the whole idea is the engine behind this is made generically so we only did, except for the engine, we did a few specific flow you can execute like posting flows, etc.
So it’s possible to modify even though it’s a complex.