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Log inBefore you can start using warehouse mobile, you need to set up a mobile flow user as a resource, and you need to set up a warehouse employee.
So using standard business central functionality, you need to make sure that you have warehouse employees if you’re running warehouse functionality with bins, etc.
In this company here, I can see this is my user. And I’m already set up as default employee on one location code, and you can set up here on whatever location code you’re working on, you should set up warehouse employees like this.
And this is standard functionality, then you need to set up mobile flow user, we call it mobile flow User Setup.
In here, you need to add the windows user, the AD user that the computer’s using. And you can use a fixed resource, adding a resource number, or you can just use a non fixed resource.
We explained that in other videos, but you need to define in here a resource set up for those resources that you’re using.
So it’s actually possible here to select a resource because this is the standard resource functionality in Business Central, where we handle the basic information on the resource but we also added in the resource setup, you need to add a mobile flow resource user in here.
We just create a new one for that resource number. You can enter a PIN code in here for the user if you want to.
And then by default, when you create a new one, it does a lot of default setups on journals, etc.
That it would suggest and it adds some more flow permission group or that you can change or add other flow permission groups if you have users that shouldn’t see everything.
But you need to set up a mobile flow resource user for everyone each person that should use the system.