
Flow: Inventory Put-Away for Transfer Orders

Locations requiring Inventory Put-Away or Picks
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Videos with the tag "Commonly Used" describes the functionality that is used by most companies. Commonly Used This video includes functionality from the app "Warehouse Mobile" which is available at Microsoft AppSource. Click to visit AppSource. Warehouse Mobile

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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

Let’s take a look at the warehouse mobile flow for inventory put away on transfer order, which is an inventory put away designed for, of course, transfer orders.

Before we execute the flow, we want to check that we have a transfer order.

In here, I have a transfer order from basic to distribute, it’s already shipped meaning we send it from basic and now it reaches, or it’s supposed to reach the distribute location.

And it needs to be released, and we need to create warehouse document and inventory put away from the warehouse document.

Oh, sorry, it’s on the action. Here you go, creates inventory put away.

So this will create the inventory put away, which is the document for the warehouse and somebody needs to do that to prepare the warehouse this is coming.

So from the warehouse perspective, we now know that a transfer order is coming, we would expect somebody who had made this inventory put away.

And when we select inventory put away for transfers, we can select the transfer order number, or we could just select anitem number to find it.

And then we can look up and select the first item number, let’s maybe take the last line first, like this.

And state the bin code we want to put it on. Maybe we want to put it on bin code 12.03.

The quantity to handle and it’s all there, we select the next item number, there’s only one left or scan or whatever we’re doing.

Bin code the same, quantity to handle, quantity to handle eight, like this.

Do we want to post? Yes please.

So this is how we handle inventory put away on transfer orders and like on the purchase orders, you can see here that it actually– oops, sorry, I just left the transfer– the transfer order was just deleted because this was the remaining quantity on the transformer and therefore it’s of course now a post transfer order.

So if I want to find it now that it’s actually done, I can look at my… what’s it called transfer receipt. Posted transfer receipts.

And this will be the posted document when I open it, I can see it’s coming from transfer order number 2003 with the corresponding quantities etc.

This is how I can use warehouse mobile directly on transfer orders.
