With the warehouse mobile functionality, we are logging information using a resource in business central.
Meaning that right now I’m logged in as Simon L. Olson, which is a resource in Business Central.
And when I open my flow, it will ask for resource number if I’m not a fixed user, meaning you can see in the user setup, I could lock the windows user to a specific resource number, meaning it will do registrations on this resource number.
If I’m moving the– just like this, if I’m removing the fixed resource, and I’m opening my flow, I will have to login during the flow.
So when I’m opening it here, I’ll have to tell the system who I am.
This means you can have one scanner or one computer that does all the registration even though you have many users using it.
Be aware of the licensing that you have to use to do this functionality.
Right now, when I’m doing a warehouse receipt or whatever I’m doing it will lock the registration in the end with this resource number.
So we have added resource number to the entry tables.
Let me show you an example. If I’m looking at my warehouse entries like this.
And all the blank entries will be from standard documents. But if you scroll down, you can see here my user ID is logged here with the resource number SLO on all this entries.
So the user during the registration will have a resource number here even though it’s done from the same scanner device.