
Fields to always enter on a Sales Order Headers and Lines

Creating Sales Order
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Presenter: Christina Fausbøll, Product Manager

Which fields required to fill out on sales order headers and lines in Business Central?

When looking at a sales order, it can be quite overwhelming with all the fields, that are available on this document, but most of the fields are actually filled in automatically from the customer, or on the lines from the item, but there are a few fields, you need to fill out, when you make a sales order.

This is what happens in the video

I will show you these few fields.

If your system has been set up for using automatic number series, the number of the sales order will be set automatically, or else you will need to fill it out.

Then, of course, you need to specify, which customer this order is for.

To fill out the customer, you can either look-up in the field and choose the customer you want, or you can simply type the customer number in the field.

A few dates will then be set in the document automatically.

These dates can be changed, and the order date is the date from where the due date has been calculated.

So, the order date is a field, that you should review, so it’s correct.

There’s also the shipment date in this shipment section.

This is either calculated from the created delivery shipment date plus lead time, or we can make our best guess, when we want to ship the order.

We then need to specify which items we want to sell on this order.

We choose the item.

This can either be an item, G/L account, resource, fixed asset, or charge item.

We then need to specify the number.

We can either write it or look-up in our table to find the item that we would like to sell.

We then need to fill out the quantity that the customer would like to buy.

If a unit price has been set up on the item card, this was automatically filled out on the lines, but if we have changes to this, this is where we do it.

Now all fields that are required for sending a sales order has been filled out, and we can print and send the document to the customer.
