
The Posting Groups used on Customers

The Posting Groups
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An intermediate video requires some previous experience with Business Central, but it is still easily accessible to most people. Intermediate A "configuration"-video is about how you configure your solution and get it ready for use. Typically, these videos are quite advanced. Configurations In the "overview"-videos we draw the big picture to provide you with an understanding of how the solution is structured. Overview

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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

Which posting groups are used for customers in Business Central?

Posting groups are added to the customer cards in Business Central.

This is what happens in the video

I’ll explain, where the different posting groups are used in Business Central.

On the invoicing tab, I can add my general business posting group, VAT posting group and customer posting group.

Let’s see what they do.

They all apply to the customer card.

And we’re talking about the general business posting group, VAT business posting group and our customer posting group.

When we create new documents, or if we work directly in journals, this information will be carried into the documents and when we post, it goes through a journal line.

And through the general posting setup, if it’s the general business posting group, that’s used in the general posting setup, along with the product posting group coming from whatever we are selling or buying.

Whereas, the VAT posting group is used with the VAT posting setup, determining where to post the VAT in our balance.

The customer posting group is used along with the customer posting group, which defines which receivable account to post to, and the discount accounts and service charts accounts.

This is the posting group on the customer, that you set up.
