How to use posting groups on item charges in business Central?
In Business Central, you can set up posting group on chart items or item charges, to define which accounts to post to when you use item charges on, basically purchase orders but also on sales orders.
This is what happens in the video
So, these are my item charges.
Here, I can define a general product posting group and a VAT product posting group.
Let’s see how that actually works.
You must define a general product posting group and a VAT product posting group when you set up your system, and then when you create chart items, or item charges, you can assign those to the item chart, and after doing that, when you use the item charge on documents, they will be transferred (the posting setup from the item charge to the document) through to the journals when you post, and then the effect will be that the general product posting group will use the general posting setup along with the business product posting group coming from the vendors and customers, to determine which accounts to post into.
Whereas the VAT product posting groups will use the VAT posting setup to determine, which VAT account to post into, when using item charges.
So, this is a way to determine how the posting groups on the item chart will work.