How to post purchase invoice directly from a purchase order in Business Central?
In Business Central, it is possible to post purchase invoice directly from a purchase order, and the purchase order advantages is that you can split the receipt and the invoicing into different steps and you can receive part of the goods only. So let’s see how this works.
This is what happens in the video
The process is a little different from a normal purchase invoice because normally there’d be a purchaser that I’ve bought some items or some goods and then we get an invoice from our vendor and we want to post it directly on the purchase order.
In this scenario, I will post the receipt first to show how it works. And I can see here that I have a long purchase order list so normally in my purchase order I have many open purchase orders because I have purchases who requested this from vendors and they’re waiting to be delivered and therefore, the list has often several purchase orders in here.
Now I’m looking at a specific vendor number here. And there’s only one open purchase order, which makes it easy for me to find it of course. And normally, as an accountant when I receive the purchase invoice, it would have already been received. In this scenario, I will just post the quantity we receive first just to show you the difference.
So, I already filled in the lines of three different items and partly quantity because maybe we only received some of it in the first shipment. So I will just try to post this one. And when I select post, it asks me would you receive the goods and where’s the goods of both. In this scenario, I will first receive it and this is normally done by people in the warehouse when they actually receive the goods.
So as an accountant, when I enter my purchase order which is still open, I will normally see the quantity already received and they would be reflected, hopefully, on my purchase invoice.
So I’ve now posted or created a post of purchase received and I can see my quantity to receive is the remaining quantity and the quantity to invoice is the full quantity because it would assume that we still need to receive the remaining quantity.
Now I get my invoice and maybe there’s also some freight on the invoice that I’d like to enter on my purchase order. And the purchase order is released because it automatically releases when I post it. So I need to reopen it to create a new item on it.
So, I reopen the purchase order, create a new line either with item or GL account depending on how I want to post my freight. And I can select line here on the freight for this vendor. And I need to change my quantity to receive here to be zero, otherwise, it would suggest too much to invoice or receive an invoice if I am not receiving the remaining quantity now.
So now you can see it’s possible to invoice only the quantity received and it’s not possible to invoice more than I received. I also need to enter my vendor invoice number which is mandatory and is written on the receipt purchase invoice from my window.
Now I am ready to post the document. And I only want to post the quantity to invoice. And now the purchase order is posted. I can see my quantity invoiced out here. I can see my remaining quantity to invoice equals my remaining quantity to receive.
And this way, I can receive as many times as I want to. receive goods and as many times as the invoice is coming. The purchase order will automatically delete when the quantity in the quantity received and quantity invoice will equal the quantity column.