
The Role Center Mobile Flow Production is meant for the Shop Floor operators

Getting Started with Shop Floor Mobile
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This video includes functionality from the app "Shop Floor Mobile" which is available at Microsoft AppSource. Click to visit AppSource. Shop Floor Mobile

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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

When you’re doing the setup for the end users of shop floor mobile, we recommend that you select the role center that we call mobile flow production for all the different users.

That role center is set up to work as a user interface for the end user. So this basically holds all the different tiles and of course if it’s on a tablet, it’s narrowed down. If it’s on a scanner or whatever, it’s narrowed down even more.

And this is the role center that all users should have. And from here, they could call the shop floor overview window if you’re using that. So they can see which orders to perform when, etc.
