
Start/stop Operations directly

Functionality: My Operations
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This video includes functionality from the app "Shop Floor Mobile" which is available at Microsoft AppSource. Click to visit AppSource. Shop Floor Mobile

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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

It is possible to start and stop operations directly from the start-stop operation action without being allocated to operation in my operations or without entering time collectors or shop floor overview.

So you can just press start-stop operation, scroll down and look into all production orders on open production orders, selecting one of them, selecting the operation you want to register on, whether it’s one time or whatever, and press start.

And this will create a time collector which is now running.

It’s the last one we just did here.

And it’s running and if we wait 10 seconds, it will update here with that 10 seconds when I press f5 and then it updates.

So it’s possible just to start operations directly or enter them, finish them directly from the start-stop action.

And of course, it’s also possible to do it from in here.
