
The setup: Set Fixed Production Order Filter, Operation Filter and Work Center Filter

Configuration of Shop Floor Overview
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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

It is possible to define fixed filters for each user for what you see in the operation line, the capacity line, and the order lines.

If there’s something that you will always filter out, for instance, if you have a number series for currency in production orders, which is number more than whatever etc.

In this example, to show you, I would like to filter that everything with a manual priority more than 20 or 20 or higher, I want to see that.

And I want to see my work center, number 300, because that’s a subcontracting work center. So we will not do it ourselves.

And I would like to get rid of those data every time I’m running it.

So we can go in the shop floor setup, I will go to the set fixed operation filter. And of course, the same applies to production filters, and works center filters.

This is just the example made from the operation, I’ll find the field manual priority and say everything up till 19, I will find the field work center number at different from 300 or whatever, I would like us to filter, and this will now be fixed filter.

So when I update my operation, this will be filtered out of my view.

And the user cannot change that. So it’s a locked filter. So if you want to really get it out of the users perspective, you can use that.

So it’s an easy way of defining fixed filters, deleting and again, you just go into the setup again, into the fixed operation filters, delete both of them.

And be aware now that you have to get out of the shop floor overview and enter it again to make it work, like this, and update operations.

And now we are back to as we were in the beginning.
