In the Filter functionality in the header, you have a field called routing status filter and previous routing status filter.
And it’s possible in those fields to add if you want to filter on, of course, the routing status and the previous rooting status.
So in this example, if I’m just updating my operations here, viewing all my operation by scrolling down or maximizing it, I can see all the operations down here.
If I only wants to see stuff that we have in progress, I could have caught a filter on here, but if it was rather large filter, I could also set the filter before I calculate the operation.
And I have the routing status filter and previous routing status filter functionality to avoid having too many operations, especially if I’m calculating capacities and stuff, I want to use this.
So this one could be in progress, for instance. And when I recalculate my operations, you can see now the filter is in progress.
And I update it, they are all the ones that are started, and I can maybe also filter on my previous routing status in here if I want to do that.
I could add the previous routing status filter. And I could also add more than one filter meaning both points in planned and in progress, it will define that filter.
And when you update the operation, or just by clicking it, it will update lines down here.
And the idea, of course, is, again, you can filter on whatever you want to see.
Normally, you would like to see routing status as being not started meaning only planned or blank and the previous routing status being finished, for instance, on progress so you can see what is coming to you so that’s again a matter of filtering.