So when the system displays state item number, and you enter something in the field item number, it will start by determining is it a barcode or not depending on the prefix on the identifiers on the barcode you’re scanning.
So if it’s a barcode, it will go down and look for is that the barcode GS1-128, meaning made from several parts of information.
If not, it will just remove the barcode identifiers and continue looking as if it was a normal number you just entered.
So you could enter a number or you can scan a barcode that will just have the identifiers removed.
First of all, it will check for item number, so the number you scan to have an item number with that number, if yes, then that will be the value it returns or passes.
If not, then it looks if it’s a GTIN number, a Global Trade Item Number, if we do have one of those, and then it passes the item number from that.
If not, then it looks in the item reference table to see if it finds the item in here.
And if not, it will of course, pass an error.
On the other hand, if it was barcode, GS1-128, it will defrag that barcode and pass on the different parts of that string of that information.
And we support the item number, lot number, serial number, and expiration date.
So when one scan, we could defrag those four and pass it on in the shop floor mobile.