
Include Sales Order Handling will prevent new Reverse Planning lines to appear on handled Assembly-to-Order Sales Orders

Moving the Demand Dates of Assembly Order Lines
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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

When I have handled some of the moving demand dates suggesting the move order dates, and they appear in my quick journal for instance, and in this scenario I’m working with assembly orders, so, I have a rescheduling line on a quick journal line here, which is A10002.

This is an assembly to stock item, and I’ve handled assembly to order items, and handled two sales order lines.

One of them actually is a sales to order item, and the other one is assembly to stock item.

And those are all handled and awaiting in my sales handling journal and planning journal.

This means when I’m recalculating now, like this, of course if I am not including my sales order handling, and I am not including my planning lines, it will just calculate ignoring everything in my two journals.

And of course this is what I want to avoid, because this time I will have to carry out from the journals to avoid this picture.

Whereas if I am calculating like this, including sales order handling, and including planning lines, it will take into account everything that is in those two journals, as you can see here.

So, as you can see, when I included planning lines and included sales order handling lines, it only suggests the non-handled assembly components and sales orders like this.

So, this is a way to avoid handling already existed, already handled lines.
