
It is possible to change Master Data text on Header, Footer and Lines of open documents

Master Data on Documents
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An intermediate video requires some previous experience with Business Central, but it is still easily accessible to most people. Intermediate Watch the "basic" videos to take the tour of the main processes of Business Central. This is the basic, need-to-use functionality. The Basics This video includes functionality from the app "Master Data Information" which is available at Microsoft AppSource. Click to visit AppSource. Master Data Information

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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

When you create new open documents, the master data on document setup determines which master data will flow from customers and items to a sales order or from vendors and item to a purchase order.

And on the open document you can change that.

This means if I’m creating, for instance, a new sales order like this, it will apply master dates information on the header.

And if I add information here on the item line, it will apply master dates information on the line like this.

And it’s possible to change that information.

So if I’m entering my master dates information on the line, now I can see here gear, nexus mail, et cetera.

And I can use this for printing purposes, uh, on the documents or for carrying those to the poster document, like the setup determines.

But it’s also possible just to add more information.

So here I could state, here I can add information and this will just be printed as well.

Or I could select manually should this be transferred to production order if I’m creating a production order line, a purchase order.

And what should the setup be in here? It’s also possible to select directly from the information code and information value, but those columns are at default hidden.

So you need to apply those column if you want to see it.

And normally we would suggest that.

So you can add the information code, the information value Like this.

And now it’s possible also to change using the lookup in here.

So for instance, if I once another tire type, I could just select it directly here on the sales line or the master data on the sales line.

And it would change the tire type like I’m selecting in here.

So this functionality, let’s say it’s possible to use the master data information directly on sales lines and sales headers, purchase lines and headers.

And we can use this to carry information that the customer provides us.

Or we could actually use it just as information coming from an A web shop or point of sale solution on other external parts that wants to add information to this line.

Likewise, it’s also possible to attach file directly to the lines just by clicking select file.

And this way you can determine how to select your file.

And it’s also a way of carrying information so it’s possible to modify the documents manually.
